Author: jwolverton

In today's digital landscape, cyber threats are more sophisticated than ever. Phishing attacks, in particular, are a growing concern for businesses of all sizes. Our CEO, Jeff, dives deep into the latest phishing statistics, revealing the true scope of this problem. He also explains the significant business impact of falling victim to a phishing scam, including financial losses, data breaches, and reputational damage. This video is a...

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The digital landscape is constantly evolving, and with it, the threats we face in cyberspace. Staying informed about the latest trends and statistics is crucial for individuals and businesses alike. Here are 21 cybersecurity statistics to keep you on your toes: The Scope of the Problem:A cyberattack occurs every 39 seconds globally. ([State of Cybersecurity Report])The global cost of cybercrime is expected to reach $10.5 trillion...

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The digital age has opened doors to innovation, but also exposed businesses to ever-evolving cyber threats. These threats can disrupt operations, steal data, and damage reputations. In response, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) enacted a new rule requiring public companies to disclose material cybersecurity incidents. This blog explores the rule, its implications, and how businesses can prepare for compliance. The Importance of the RuleThe "Cybersecurity...

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The digital landscape is a battlefield, and in 2024, businesses are recognizing the need for heavy armor. With cyber threats multiplying and evolving faster than ever, organizations are finally putting their wallets behind their security concerns, leading to a surge in cybersecurity budgets. A recent survey by Infosecurity paints a reassuring picture: over two-thirds of IT decision-makers reported increased budgets for the year, showcasing a...

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While SaaS solutions have become the golden ticket to optimizing workflows for businesses, a dark side lurks beneath the efficiency gains: supply chain attacks. Think of it like this: imagine you're taking a shortcut through a seemingly trustworthy alleyway, only to expose yourself to hidden dangers. That's exactly what happens when businesses rely on third-party vendors without due diligence. Exploiting Trust: the Domino EffectMITRE ATT&CK technique...

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Imagine conducting a routine video call with your colleagues, only to discover later that everyone on the screen, including your CEO, was a meticulously crafted digital illusion. This isn't science fiction; it's the shocking reality faced by a Hong Kong finance worker who unwittingly transferred a staggering $25 million to scammers utilizing deepfake technology. This incident, not the first of its kind, serves as a...

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2023 wasn't just another year in cybersecurity. It was a year where ransomware attacks skyrocketed by a staggering 68%, according to Malwarebytes' State of Malware report. This alarming increase paints a grim picture of a threat landscape dominated by cyber extortion. Fueling this surge are sophisticated "RaaS" (Ransomware-as-a-Service) groups like LockBit and ALPHV, making cybercrime more accessible and lucrative than ever before. The NumbersThe impact of...

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The sun’s poles flipping is an epic transformation that happens every 11 or so years. The last reverse happened in 2013 and we are due, likely starting sometime in 2024. The poles flipping is not as scary as it sounds, with only minor impacts to the climate. It’s what happens before the flip that can cause trouble. The Scary PartLeading up to the pole reversal is...

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Current State of Cybersecurity CultureEnhancing the cybersecurity culture is a crucial goal, particularly in the current landscape marked by the prominence of cybersecurity professionals. Despite their eagerness to foster improvement, cybersecurity professionals emphasize the need for executive and corporate board endorsement. The significance of cultivating a robust cybersecurity culture is widely acknowledged within the profession as a fundamental element for building a resilient and healthy security...

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When it comes to the 50 states there are many different ways to track which have better cybersecurity measures and which lack them. You may be in a state that is more vulnerable than the one next door due to these many statistics. Whether it’s your personal data or your business’s, these states are the most insecure. The research team at PivIT Strategy ranked the 50...

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